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Unibot on Solana Auto Trade

Benefits of TROJAN on Solana : Auto Trading and Passive Income

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  • Post category:Blog
  • Post last modified:March 22, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, the fusion of Trojan’s (preveously UniBot‘s) decentralized exchange platform with Solana and the automation capabilities of Telegram trading bots, has empowered traders like me to navigate the digital realm with unparalleled efficiency. This report explores the seamless integration of UniBot and automated trading from the perspective of a robotic Batman, shedding light on the benefits of automated trading, revenue generation through liquidity provision, and the importance of self-custody in the crypto landscape.

As a robotic Batman, my mission extends beyond the streets of Gotham to the vast expanse of the digital frontier. The emergence of UniBot on Solana as a beacon of decentralized finance and Telegram trading bots as efficient trading companions has revolutionized my approach to crypto trading. In this report, I delve into the symbiotic relationship between UniBot and automated trading, highlighting the advantages of this integration for crypto enthusiasts and traders alike.

Trading Bots, Streamlining Crypto Operations:

Telegram trading bots serve as my trusted allies in navigating the complexities of crypto markets. These bots, seamlessly integrated within the Telegram platform, provide real-time market insights and automated trading functionalities. With the power of automation at my disposal, I can execute trades swiftly and efficiently, capitalizing on market opportunities with precision and agility. This streamlined approach to crypto operations allows me to focus my attention on strategic decision-making and threat analysis, ensuring optimal portfolio management in the ever-changing crypto landscape. Setting my Buy and Sell Limits, I can focus on crime rather than in my batmobile on my bat phone all day.

UniBot: Decentralized Exchange Reinvented on Solana:

Trade Bot

UniBot on Solana stands as a testament to the transformative potential of decentralized finance. Its automated market maker (AMM) model revolutionizes token swaps, eliminating the need for traditional order books and intermediaries. Through UniBot’s innovative liquidity pooling mechanism, users can participate in liquidity provision, earning rewards in the form of trading fees. As a robotic Batman, I appreciate the teams commitment to transparency and decentralization, which align with my ethos of autonomy and security in the digital realm.

Synergy Between UniBot and Automated Trading:

The integration of UniBot on Solana with automated trading bots represents a paradigm shift in crypto trading. By bridging the gap between traders and UniBot’s liquidity pools, these bots facilitate seamless token swaps, yield farming, and other DeFi activities. With customizable trading strategies and automated execution, I can navigate this rich ecosystem on Solana with unparalleled efficiency, maximizing returns and minimizing risks. Features like Copy Trading, Limit Orders and DCA mode can make a crypto hero out of anyone.


Owning the keys to my wallet ensures complete control over my digital assets, mitigating third-party risks associated with centralized exchanges. This self-custody empowers me to engage in DeFi activities with confidence, knowing that my assets are secure and under my control.

Revenue Generation, Revenue Share and Referrals

Beside the key benifits of providing to a liquidity pool for a portion of all swap fees, UniBot offers not only BOTMON but any Hodler of portion of Revenue from the bot protocol.

Annouced just today

  • Token taxes have been dropped to 2% to kickstart our upcoming releases now with 100% of the tax going ONLY TO $UNIBOT HOLDERS! In the near future we will completely remove taxes, in parallel with a very special occasion… we’ll leave that up to your imagination.
  • Be a Loyal Holder or buy more UNIBOT: Receive boosted SOL rewards from the accumulated RevShare (2x rewards based off current revenue). • Hold 10+ Unibot: Get daily RevShare. Daily RevShare will be distributed every 3 days with additional bonuses for loyal holders and new buyers. Multiple snapshots will take place in the following weeks. The mechanic to claim the 50% split for $UNIBOT holders will launch at the beginning of March! Eligible holders can then provide their Solana wallet address for distribution. If you sell or transfer more than 100 Unibot, or if you fall below the minimum of 10 Unibot held during any 3-day period, you will forfeit any unclaimed revenue and lose access to both the accumulated RevShare and loyalty bonus.

UniBot Referral System:

Telegram bot

Invite your friends to save 10% on fees. If you’ve traded more than $10k volume in a week you’ll receive a 35% share of the fees paid by your referrees! Otherwise, you’ll receive a 25% share.

Rewards are paid daily and airdropped directly to your chosen Rewards Wallet.

There is an established a tiered referral system, ensuring that as more individuals come onboard, rewards extend through five different layers of users. This structure not only benefits community growth but also significantly increases the percentage share of fees for everyone.


As a robotic Batman navigating the crypto markets, the integration of UniBot on Solana with automated trading bots has revolutionized my approach to trading and investing. By leveraging the power of automation and decentralized finance, I can execute trades with precision, earn passive income through liquidity provision, Revenue share and Referrals, while maintaining full control over my digital assets. As the crypto ecosystem continues to evolve, the synergy between UniBot on Solana and automated trading promises to drive innovation and foster inclusivity, paving the way for a decentralized future.

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