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Move Over Jupiter, UNODEX Now Offers Solana SPL Token Trades .. And This DEX Comes Armed!

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  • Post category:Blog
  • Post last modified:February 29, 2024

Not skipping a beat, UNODEX makes nice with Solana SLP Tokens, for trade on its fast and secure decentralized exchange platform. Unodex is a secure, decentralized trading platform using its own Ethereum NODE and RPC with unprecedented speed and security on DeFi. Overall UNODEX is a ver user friendly platform with premium features including copy trading, sniping, multiwallet, Revenue Share and coming “Shotgun” Feature, which will be exclusive to Solana Tokens .. at first.

Posted to their X account today: Feb 28, 2024

  • ” It’s official! From Thursday February 29th at 19:30 UTC, you will be able to trade all SPL Solana tokens available on Raydium and Jupiter. The second big news is that our “SHOTGUN” tool will be available to everyone for a limited time, after which you’ll need to hold a certain amount of $UNDX to access it. We’ll be announcing the amount next week. Shotgun marks the start of a new era in trading, and we’ll soon be extending it to ETHEREUM and all the chains we’ll be adding in the near future.”

What is UNODEX?

Solana Unodex Partner

Unodex stands as an innovative decentralized exchange (DEX) within the realm of cryptocurrency trading, pioneering a new paradigm in digital asset exchange. Built upon blockchain technology, Unodex enables users to trade cryptocurrencies directly from their digital wallets without the need for intermediaries, ensuring greater security, transparency, and autonomy over their assets. By leveraging smart contracts and distributed ledger technology, Unodex facilitates peer-to-peer transactions, allowing traders to buy, sell, and swap various digital assets with minimal fees and without relying on centralized exchanges prone to security breaches or regulatory limitations.

Unodex’s decentralized architecture not only enhances the security and integrity of cryptocurrency trading but also fosters a more inclusive and accessible marketplace for participants worldwide. Through its decentralized nature, Unodex empowers users to maintain control over their funds and trade without the constraints of traditional financial systems, unlocking new opportunities for financial sovereignty and economic empowerment. With its commitment to decentralization and user-centric design, Unodex is poised to reshape the landscape of cryptocurrency exchange, offering a robust and resilient platform for traders to engage in secure and efficient transactions across global markets.

Why UNODEX Running On An Independent Node Matters

Unodex distinguishes itself from other decentralized exchange (DEX) protocols by operating on its own Ethereum node, offering several notable benefits to users. Firstly, by running on its dedicated Ethereum node, Unodex ensures enhanced performance and reliability. This setup reduces dependency on external nodes or third-party providers, minimizing potential downtime and network congestion, thus providing users with a smoother and more reliable trading experience.

Secondly, Unodex’s dedicated Ethereum node allows for greater customization and control over the exchange’s operations. This level of autonomy enables Unodex to implement tailored features and optimizations specific to its platform, catering to the unique needs and preferences of its user base. Additionally, by maintaining its Ethereum node, Unodex can swiftly adapt to network upgrades and changes, ensuring seamless integration with the broader Ethereum ecosystem while maintaining a high degree of security and stability.

Overall, Unodex’s utilization of its own Ethereum node offers users improved performance, reliability, and flexibility compared to DEX protocols relying on external nodes. This approach underscores Unodex’s commitment to providing a robust and user-friendly decentralized exchange platform for traders to engage in secure and efficient cryptocurrency transactions.

Unodex’s operation on an independent node provides Solana traders with a crucial speed advantage in the SLP market. Solana’s high throughput ensures swift transaction execution on Unodex, reducing latency and enabling traders to capitalize on market opportunities quickly. With near-instant settlement times and reliable performance, Unodex empowers Solana traders to execute trades efficiently, gaining a competitive edge in the fast-paced SLP market.

Rich With Features

Launch Sniping : The “Snipe” function allows you to prioritize the purchase of any token as long as you have configured your snipe before the launch. A Solana must have feature.

Copy Trades : Soon, UNODEX users will have the opportunity, with just a few clicks, to check the performance of the platform’s top traders and engage in copy trades. This feature will be available very soon.

Multi Wallet : You can create up to 5 wallets that you can fund for trading or sniping, and you can export the private keys of these wallets.

You will soon be able to obtain a detailed view of each wallet by clicking on it or accessing it via the Dashboard.

Within the wallet section, you can conduct fund transfer transactions between wallets, as well as external transfers.

Revenue Share :

The “Referrals” section, as the name suggests, is designed to manage your referral interface and monitor in real-time the progress of your earnings as a referrer.

Here, you will find your Referral link, allowing you to accumulate portions of the trading fees generated by your referrals by sharing it.

System Operation: If a new user trades via UNODEX after connecting with your referral link, you will receive 25% of the trading fees they generate on the platform.

It is not necessary to possess $UNDX tokens to obtain a referral link and start sharing it to accumulate rewards.

Your referral rewards will be updated every 24 hours and will be displayed in the dedicated section. You can then click the “claim” button to redeem your rewards.

Benefits For Solana Traders Using UNODEX

Solana’s SLP (Simple Ledger Protocol) token trading on the Unodex platform can offer several benefits to the average user. Firstly, SLP tokens represent a diverse range of digital assets, including various cryptocurrencies, digital collectibles, and tokenized assets. By providing access to SLP token trading, Unodex offers users the opportunity to diversify their investment portfolio and explore a wide array of digital assets beyond mainstream cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Secondly, trading Solona SLP tokens on Unodex can enable users to participate in niche markets and access unique investment opportunities not available on traditional cryptocurrency exchanges. Whether it’s investing in emerging blockchain projects, acquiring rare digital Solana collectibles, or trading tokenized assets such as real estate or art, Unodex’s support for SLP tokens empowers users to explore new avenues for investment and asset diversification.

Additionally, trading SLP tokens on Unodex benefits users by leveraging the efficiency and security of decentralized exchanges. With Unodex’s decentralized architecture, users can trade SLP tokens directly from their wallets without relying on intermediaries, ensuring greater control over their assets and reducing the risk of centralized exchange-related issues such as hacking or downtime.

Overall, SLP token trading on the Unodex platform provides the average user with opportunities for diversification, access to niche markets, and the security and autonomy inherent in decentralized exchanges, ultimately empowering users to make informed investment decisions and expand their cryptocurrency portfolios with confidence.

Experience UNODEX on any Device

Traders can access their mobile trading system via any dekstop and mobile browser, user-friendly and reliable.

Coming Soon to MobileAvailable on Desktop

$UNDX Token

The $UNDX token is an integral part of the UNODEX Trading App and our protocol. Holders of the $UNDX token receive revenue sharing from both UNODEX platform fees and from the trading of the token itself. In addition to the undeniable advantage of passive income, owning $UNDX will grant you access to advanced trader features in future developments.

Smart contract: 0x185ece9bc75164f9fc0fbe44738e8dd1863f8464

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